The professionalism committee recently developed a new Canvas site titled the PharmD Career Development Collaborations. This site has been established to provide students information in preparing for job searches, applying for residencies, or searching for other opportunities such as internships. Information includes a large collection of tips, links, and examples that hopefully students will find useful as they come up on these times when they need some of these materials. This will be on ongoing project where we will be adding additional resources as they are identified. Additionally, we will be asking for some student testimonies for various APPE rotations to help future students know what to expect. These will be posted once they are submitted by some of our 4PDs.
We are hoping that this can be a group effort from everyone! If you come across some good resources that you would like to share, please do not hesitate to contact Robin Moorman-Li. If you have an idea for a module that you feel would be helpful to add, please do not hesitate to email Robin and she can add that to our list of continual development/improvement of this site.
Lastly, we need to identify who would like access to this site. No purchase required, please just indicate interest by responding yes to this survey:
Please complete by Friday, January 27th if you would like to be added to this site.