Brown Bag Lunch Panel Discussion
Please bring your lunch and join the HSC Curriculum Innovation Collaborative for a Panel Discussion.
Learn what strategies, methods, and practices these accomplished clinical educators use to engage students during clinical experiences.
How do they assess student learning? What are some best practices or techniques that they use for giving feedback or debriefing with students? Explore the answers to these questions and more during our upcoming panel discussion.
DATE: Thursday, August 2nd, 2018
TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
PHYSICAL: HPNP Bldg, Room: 1320 (GNV)
WEB-CONFERENCE: See Zoom details, below.
Meet our faculty panel:
Bobi Conner, DVM
College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Conner is an amateur painter, avid reader, and mediocre Pokémon Go player. In her spare time, she enjoys practicing and teaching veterinary emergency & critical care medicine.
Kalen Manasco, PharmD
College of Pharmacy
Dr. Manasco joined the University of Florida College of Pharmacy in March 2017, as a clinical professor in the department of pharmacotherapy and translational research. She is also a clinical pharmacist with UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital in the pediatric intensive care unit.
Joy Wang, DDS
College of Dentistry
Dr. Wang is a faculty member in the Division of Prosthodontics. She works with Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Shand’s/COM Otolaryngology and Radiology Oncology as she cares for patients in the Maxillofacial Clinic. She was the 2018 Clinical Sciences Teacher of the Year for the UF College of Dentistry.