Skills Lab Policies

Policies Across All Professional Practice Skills Lab Courses (Updated 6/20/22):

Attendance Policy

Attendance at all laboratory sessions is required. Students who are ill or have an unexpected emergency should request an excused absence from lab following the procedure outlined in the Absent Request Email Policy below.  Excused absences will receive an “EX” on the quiz and weekly activities. Unexcused absences will receive a score of zero on the quiz and a score of zero on the weekly lab activities.

Absent Request Policy

A request for an excused absence must be made at least 60 minutes prior to the class session, with the exception of unforeseen emergencies. It is recommended to communicate your absence as soon as you become aware you will not be able to attend class. Students should use the Absence Request Ticket for their respective PharmD graduating class; this can be found in a student’s Canvas course and syllabus for convenience.

Links to Absence Request Tickets for Academic Year 2024-2025:

If ticket submission is not possible, the student should call the Academic Coordinator (352-273-6523).

The Academic Coordinator will coordinate all communications about the absence request and therefore, serve as the point of contact about decisions on the request and other information. Students are encouraged to call the Academic Coordinator for assistance with excused absences.

Failing to follow this policy will render the absence unexcused. The expectation of prior notification will be exempted in situations where there was an emergency situation such as an accident or similar serious situation.

A request for an “excused absence” does not guarantee acceptance. No precedent can be drawn from any courses in the College of Pharmacy or any other college within University of Florida.

The student is responsible for follow up and confirming whether the absence is excused or unexcused.

Make-up Assignment Policy

Makeup assignments may be required for excused absences from all Skills Lab Sessions.  Skills lab faculty will contact students to schedule any required make-ups.

Late Assignment Policy

  • 0-24 hours late: 25% reduction of the earned score (max score possible: 75%)
  • 24-48 hours late: 50% reduction of the earned score (max score possible: 50%)
  • 48 hours late: Assignment will be assigned a score of 0

Professionalism Policy

The Professional Practice Skills course series is meant to prepare you for the essential skills and tasks expected of a pharmacist in a variety of practice settings. As a student in this course, we would like for you to imagine that when you present to lab, you are presenting to your job as a pharmacist within the “Gator Healthcare System”. Therefore, the same professional expectations in a work setting will be applied in the laboratory setting. Professionalism in the laboratory setting includes, but is not limited to:

  • Punctuality – arriving to the laboratory session on time
  • Preparedness – completed pre-lab learning activities and prepared to engage in lab learning activities
  • Behavior – engaged and on task during the laboratory session, not distracting others or engaging in distracting behavior (e.g. checking social media sites, texting or playing on phone)
  • Handling of materials and equipment – treating laboratory equipment with respect and care
  • Independence of work – when individual effort is expected, completing work without the assistance of others
  • Cleanliness – maintaining a clean and organized work area
  • Following dress code:

Dress Code Policy

Dress code policy that is expected in patient care areas at UF Health and will be applied in the laboratory setting:

  • Photo identification badge (Gator 1 ID) must be worn at all times and displayed.
  • White lab coats should be worn and should appear clean, wrinkle free, and in good repair
  • Professional clothing: Pressed slacks or skirt/dress as appropriate for gender. Neat, clean shirt or top
    • Men should wear dress shirts or polo shirts with collar. Ties are optional.
    • For women, low cut, midriff, strapless, or see-through blouses, shirts, or dresses are not acceptable. Undergarments should not be visible
    • T-shirts with slogans or pictures are not allowed except for sponsored events such as Children’s Miracle Network.
    • Jeans, shorts, miniskirts, and athletic shoes are not considered professional clothing.
    • Shoes should be clean, closed-toe with heels no greater than 2 inches.
  • Jewelry selection: Two earrings per ear maximum may be worn and must be appropriate for patient care areas. No tongue/eyebrow/lip/nose piercing allowed.
  • Makeup should project a professional image
  • Hair must be clean and styled in such a manner as to prevent inadvertent contamination during patient care and professional duties. Unusual hair styles or color, such as spikes, bright or fluorescent colors, are not allowed. Long hair should be controlled in the back unable to fall forward during activities. Facial hair must be neatly groomed or clean-shaven.
  • Fingernails should be clean and maintained at a length that is not visible from the palmar aspect of the hand.
  • Body art/tattoos should not be visible.
  • For patient comfort purposes, excessive perfumes, colognes, aftershaves, scented lotions etc. should not be worn in patient care areas.
  • Gum chewing is not allowed in clinical settings.

Re-Grading Policy

If a student does not agree with a grade on a written assignment, the student may request a regrading of the assignment. This request must be submitted in writing to the course director within seven (7) days of the grade being posted. Regrading may result in a higher score, lower score, or unchanged score.