Certificate in Personalized Medicine for Pharmacy Students

Strive for Greatness

The Certificate in Personalized Medicine is designed to prepare students to use pharmacogenomic and genomic data in their future clinical practice. Students will gain a general genomic and molecular biology background as well as valuable experience applying genomic data to patient scenarios and an understanding of practical issues affecting genomic medicine implementation, including clinical laboratory testing, informatics, and ethical, legal, and social issues. Those awarded the certificate should have the skills necessary to effectively use pharmacogenomic information to personalize treatment for patients within their clinical practice.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate foundational knowledge related to molecular mechanisms by which genomic variation affects drug response
  2. Use expert guidelines and the scientific literature to identify gene-drug pairs that may have sufficient evidence for implementation into clinical practice
  3. Interpret genetic test results into clinically actionable recommendations for patient and clinicians OR design a research project to answer a clinical question in the field of personalized medicine.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for the certificate program, students should meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Completion of at least two semester within the PharmD curriculum
  2. No grades less than ā€œC-ā€œ in any course within the PharmD curriculum
  3. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75
  4. Remain in good standing with the College of Pharmacy

Application Process

Students are eligible to apply in the Fall or Spring of their 2PD and 3PD years. Students are encouraged to apply in fall of the 2PD year, to provide sufficient time to complete the course requirements. Applications must be submitted by the posted deadline to be considered.

Deadline for Application:

October 25, 2024 @ 11:59 p.m.


In addition to successful completion of the Pharm.D. degree, students must pass (with a grade of ā€œCā€ or better) the following required and elective courses, totaling at least 10 credits to be awarded a Certificate in Personalized Medicine upon graduation from the UF College of Pharmacy.  In addition to the courses below, students in the certificate program will have the opportunity to participate in approximately 2-3 discussions/activities per year focused on personalized/precision medicine.

Coursework for the Certificate


COUrse Credit hours Notes
PHA5012: Clinical Applications of Personalized Medicine 2 Offered in Spring Semester
PHA5040: Pharmacogenomic Literature Assessment 1 Offered in the Fall Semester
Select one of the following: PHA5767 OR PHA5907
PHA5767: Non-Patient Care or Patient Care Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (with a focus on Personalized Medicine) 6 APPE rotations count for 6 credits
PHA5907: Research in Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research (with a focus on Personalized Medicine) 4 Credits can be obtained over multiple semesters

Elective Courses (Select at least 3 credit hours, from below)

PHA5930: Seminar in Pharmacy Research 2 Offered in the fall semester
PHA 5172: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2 Offered in the fall semester
PHA 5726: Health Disparities, Health Equity, and Pharmacy 2 Offered in the spring semester
PHA 5243: Principles of Pharmacy Informatics 2 Offered in the spring semester
PHA5929: UF Precision Medicine Conference 1 Offered in some spring semesters
PHA 6134: Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genomic Technologies 3 Offered online both fall and spring semester outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $575 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
GMS 6224: Foundations in Precision Medicine: Medical Molecular Genetics 1 Offered online both fall and spring semester outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $575 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6138: Foundations of Precision Medicine: Genetic Epidemiology 1 Offered online both fall and spring semester outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $575 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6120: Foundations of Precision Medicine: Pharmacogenomics 3 Offered online outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $1725 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6136: Clinical Applications of Precision Medicine: Oncology 2 Offered online outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $1725 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6613: Clinical Applications of Precision Medicine: Precision Health 3 Offered online outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $1725 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6137: Clinical Pharmacogenomics Implementation 3 Offered online outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $1725 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA 6241: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 Offered online outside of block tuition. Estimated cost: $1725 (contact Student Affairs to enroll)
PHA5907: Research in Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research (focus on Personalized Medicine) 1-4 If not used as a required course above
PHA5767: Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (must focus on Personalized/Precision Medicine) 6 If not used to meet the course requirement listed above

Program Leadership

Caitrin W McDonough
Department: Pharmacotherapy & Translational Research

Caitrin W McDonough Ph.D., M.S.

Assistant Professor
Phone: (352) 273-6435

Personalized Medicine Certificate Program Application

  • Before completing, please confirm you meet all of the eligibility requirements for the program, which can be found at: https://curriculum.pharmacy.ufl.edu/curriculum-courses/personalized-medicine-certificate/ Courses that are eligible for certificate credit can also be found at this site.

  • 8 digit number.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 125 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • In the space provided below, please describe your interest in personalized medicine, what your future goals are, and how the Personalized Medicine Certificate might benefit these goals. (500 word maximum; you may choose to write in a word processing program and paste here).
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.