Policies Across All 1PD-3PD Courses (updated 8/9/24):
- Class Attendance
- Excused/Non-excused Absences
- Make Up Assignments
- Tardiness
- Professionalism Assessments
- Expectations In Class and Other Learning Activities
- COVID-19 Policies
- Communications
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Faculty Lectures/Presentations/Course Materials Download Policy
- Computer and Other Technology Requirements (Device Readiness)
- Quiz & iRAT/tRAT Policies
- Exam Policies
- Make-up Quiz/iRAT/tRAT/Exam Policy
- Grading Scale
- University Grading Policies
- Faculty and Course Evaluations
- Concerns, Appeals, and Complaints
- Psychomotor and Learning Expectations
- How to Request Learning Accommodations
- How to Access Services for Student Success
- Counseling and Wellness Center
- Student Crisis
- Emergencies
- Faculty and Staff: Who to Contact
Class Attendance
Pharmacists are valued for their attendance and punctuality; both are essential elements in maintaining quality patient care and patient safety. The PharmD program has firm attendance policies in order to instill good habits that will be essential in practice. In addition, class participation is vital to developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for success as a pharmacist. Class attendance is mandatory for active learning sessions such as team-based learning sessions, case discussions, laboratory sessions, and other activities that the instructor designates as required attendance.
Both excused and unexcused absences (defined below) are monitored across the curriculum. When three absences (excused and unexcused) are accrued during the academic year, the student will be asked to present written documentation for each subsequent absence request to be excused. Students with three or more absent days in one semester or five or more absent days in one academic year will be referred to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to evaluate if additional support to promote attendance is needed.
Regardless of the number of absences accrued, documentation will be required for an excused absence for the following assessments/activities:
- Exams
- Capstone assessments
- Case discussions
- APPE Readiness
- Orientation
- Pathways to Careers in Pharmacy
Excessive absences alter the fundamental element of active and collaborative learning that is integral to coursework in the PharmD program and will result in the need to repeat coursework. A student who misses greater than 25% of the active learning sessions or laboratory sessions for a given course will be unable to satisfy the educational outcomes of the course. In this case, the student will receive an incomplete in the course and will retake the course during the next offering, resulting in delayed graduation. Students with an accommodation for medical absences should have a discussion with the Disability Resource Center to assess if additional flexibility with attendance is appropriate.
Excused/Non-excused Absences
It is essential for pharmacists to be on time and present in order to enact best patient care; similarly, it is essential for pharmacy students to also be on time and present in order to best engage in learning. Similar to employment expectations in pharmacy practice, unexcused absences and tardiness are not tolerated.
Attendance will be excused in the following situations:
- Physical health/serious illness (absence on 3 or more consecutive class days requires a health care provider documentation)
- Mental health/wellness
- Serious family emergencies
- Military obligation
- Severe weather conditions
- Religious holidays (Please see the University policy on attendance and religious holidays)
- Court-imposed legal obligations (e.g., jury duty or subpoena)
- Absences due to an infectious illness (for example, COVID-19, influenza “the flu”) in the contagious phase will be excused. Students should remain at home if they have a contagious illness.
- Other reasons of that are of serious nature or unexpected
Consideration for an excused absence outside of the instances listed above will be given to situations communicated to the Academic Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the event.
For excused absences, the grade book will show EX (excused) for the grade of a missed graded activity and the course grade will be calculated without consideration of these missing points, unless a makeup is assigned. When the instructor assigns a makeup assignment, the EX grade will be replaced with the grade earned on the makeup assignment. If the makeup assignment is not submitted by the required deadline, zero points will be awarded for the graded elements of the missed session.
Requests for Excused Absence
A request for an excused absence must be communicated via email at least 60 minutes prior to the class or lab session, with the exception of unforeseen emergencies. It is recommended to communicate your absence as soon as you become aware you will not be able to attend class. To request an excused absence, students should use the Absence Request Ticket for their respective PharmD cohort; links to the absence request ticket can be found in each Canvas course and the syllabus.
Links to Absence Request Tickets for Academic Year 2024-2025:
If ticket submission is not possible, the student should call the Academic Coordinator (352-273-6002).
This absence ticket will be received by the Academic Coordinator and distance campus Education Coordinator. The Academic Coordinator will communicate the information to the appropriate faculty member. The Academic Coordinator will coordinate all communications about the absence request and therefore, serve as the point of contact about decisions on the request and other information. Students are encouraged to email the Academic Coordinator for assistance with excused absences.
Failing to follow this policy will render the absence unexcused (i.e., absence request not submitted at least 60 minutes prior to the class or lab session will be considered unexcused). The expectation of prior notification will be exempted in situations where there was an emergency situation such as an accident or similar serious situation.
A request for an “excused absence” does not guarantee acceptance as excused. No precedent can be drawn from any courses in the College of Pharmacy or any other college within University of Florida.
The student is responsible for follow-up with the Academic Coordinator and confirming whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Make Up Assignments
Make-up assignments will be provided for any excused absences when the instructor deems a make-up is indicated. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make-up any excused absence(s). Due to the block curriculum model, students must complete the make-up assignment by the deadline set by the course director. The time period for this make-up will be consistent with the UF attendance policies. If a student misses multiple class sessions and make-up by the end of the course becomes difficult, the student and Teaching Partnership Leader/Course Director will meet with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to develop options such as a makeup/remediation plan or withdrawal from the course.
Please refer to the University Attendance Policy for more details.
Punctuality is expected for all face-to-face and online classes, laboratory sessions, and other educational events (e.g., orientation, class meetings). Online sessions will open 15 minutes prior to the start of class, and students should join 15 minutes before class begins to help prevent tardies due to technological difficulties. A request for an excused tardy must be communicated via an Absence Request Ticket prior to the class session, with the exception of unforeseen emergencies. It is recommended to communicate your tardy as soon as you become aware you will be late to class. Students should use the class-appropriate Absent Request Ticket to request an excused tardy.
Links to Absence Request Tickets for Academic Year 2024-2025:
If ticket submission is not possible, the student should call the Academic Coordinator (352 273-6002).
Failing to follow this policy will render the tardy unexcused. The expectation of prior notification will be exempted in situations where there was an emergency situation such as an accident or similar serious situation.
A request for an “excused tardy” does not guarantee acceptance. No precedent can be drawn from any courses in the College of Pharmacy or any other college within University of Florida. The student is responsible for follow up and confirming whether the tardy is excused or unex
Failing to follow this policy will render the tardy unexcused. The expectation of prior notification will be exempted in situations where there was an emergency situation such as an accident or similar serious situation.
A request for an “excused tardy” does not guarantee acceptance as excused. No precedent can be drawn from any courses in the College of Pharmacy or any other college within University of Florida. The student is responsible for follow up with the Academic Coordinator and confirming whether the tardy is excused or unexcused.
Professionalism Assessments
Professionalism is an educational outcome of the PharmD program and therefore, is continually assessed. Professional behaviors and attitudes are evaluated using the Professionalism Advisement Plan to determine progression and eventual readiness for graduation. Students exhibiting behavior not in alignment with Professionalism Advisement Plan will receive a professionalism lapse.
- Unexcused absences are considered unprofessional behavior.
- Other forms of unprofessional behavior include:
- tardiness to class,
- failure to use a privacy filter during quizzes/exams,
- classroom behaviors that are distracting or disruptive to others,
- reading emails/messages,
- use of social media,
- leaving class early without requesting permission from the faculty or staff member,
- leaving class to purchase or pick-up food or beverage,
- inappropriate discussion board, or other disrespectful behaviors towards faculty, staff, preceptors, career coaches, or other students.
- Non-adherence to the dress code policy is also considered unprofessional behavior. Students who do not comply with the dress code will be asked to leave class. For more information, see the Dress Code Policy.
Expectations for Behavior During Class and Other Learning Activities
Students are expected to:
- Be diligent and timely in studying the course material.
- Be on time for class sessions, quizzes, and exams. This includes being on time when returning to class after a break.
- Remain in class for the duration of the session (i.e., if food or beverage is needed, these should be prepared ahead of time or obtained on breaks)
- Complete assigned preparation activities.
- Complete work individually or as a team, as assigned by course faculty.
- Dress appropriately for class sessions (including online class sessions) and clinical activities.
- Silence cell phones and other electronic communication devices. Computers or other electronic devices should only be used for course-related activities and with faculty approval during class.
- Discuss special circumstances that will require use of electronic devices for personal communication during class (i.e., family emergencies, etc.) with the class instructor, academic coordinator, or education coordinator at the start of class.
- Be attentive to anyone presenting or contributing to discussions.
- Participate in class or group discussions.
- Be focused and avoid distractive behaviors in class.
- Focus on the course learning activities; it is not respectful to study for other coursework during the class session.
- State your name, campus, and team number when making comments during a class session.
- Be respectful to the faculty, staff, and fellow learners.
- Be respectful to fellow students in discussions.
- Address concerns about performance or course material directly with the Teaching Partnership Leader/Course Director.
- Seek assistance with academic or personal difficulties as soon as possible.
- Additional expectations for online classes and learning activities:
- Join the online class 15 minutes before the start of class to help offset any difficulties with technology; contact your academic or education coordinator as soon as possible if you experience technical difficulties
- Dress appropriately for appearance on video camera; ensure that the Zoom/video background is professional
- For large classes, the video camera should be turned off and the microphone should be muted when joining the class; the video and microphone should remain off when a student is not speaking; students should be prepared to use the microphone and video camera when speaking; students should inform the instructor if they are uncomfortable turning on the video camera
- For small classes or breakout rooms, students should make sure the microphone is muted when joining the class; the microphone should remain muted when they are not speaking; students should be prepared to have the video camera on for the duration of the class session; students should notify the instructor if they are uncomfortable turning on the video camera
- When using the chat feature, students should keep comments related to the current class session and professional in nature
Email Communications
The course faculty will communicate with you via your official University of Florida email address ( _____@ufl.edu). When communicating with faculty via email, the subject line should include the course number and title. You should also include your full name, your academic year, campus/site, and team number in the email.
Faculty will do their best to respond to email communications within 24 hours between Monday and Friday at 12 noon. Responses on weekends and holidays will be sporadic.
Students should use an email signature to help recipients identify the sender. An example of an appropriate student email signature is included below:
FirstName LastName
PharmD Candidate 2025
University of Florida College of Pharmacy, XXX campus
UF email address
Phone (optional)
Discussion Board
Students with questions about course content should post questions on the discussion board. The purpose of the discussion board is to provide a venue for you to enhance your learning. This is accomplished by having a thread for each module where you can post questions to the course faculty. Interaction with faculty on the discussion boards will allow you to clarify your questions and apply what you are learning in other parts of the course. The goal of these discussions is to help you learn. Faculty will do their best to respond to discussion board postings within 24 hours of the posting between Monday and Friday at 12 noon. Responses on weekends and holidays cannot be assured. Responses on weekends and holidays cannot be assured.
Student Etiquette on the Discussion Board:
- Read existing posts first to ensure that your question has not already been asked.
- Post your comment on the correct discussion thread. For example, if you have a question about Module 1, post it in the discussion thread for Module 1.
- Be mindful of best practices of online communication (from The Core Rules of Netiquette by Virginia Shea):
- Remember the Human: compose a post that you would feel comfortable saying in front of the person receiving the message. Be aware of how the reader may interpret the tone of the post and edit when necessary. If you are unsure of the perceived tone of a post, have a trusted friend/family member edit it prior to posting.
- Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life: be ethical.
- The discussion board has been designed to allow you a place to ask further questions on the material to clarify any confusion, gain a deeper understanding of the material, or ask general course questions.
Academic Integrity Policy
Students are expected to act in accordance with the University of Florida policy on academic integrity and the UF Student Honor Code. Below is the UF Honor Pledge outlined in the UF Honor Code:
We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code.
On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”
This Honor Code specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obliged to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult the course’s Teaching Partnership Leader/Course Director.
Assignments given in courses in the curriculum may be either individual or team assignments. Faculty will provide descriptions of expectations for each assignment when it is assigned. For assignments categorized as individual assignments, it is expected that all work submitted is the original work of the individual student. Collaboration with others is not permitted. For assignments categorized as team/group assignments, it is expected that all work submitted is the original work of the team/group members submitting the assignment. Collaboration with others who are not members of the team/group is not permitted. Deviations from these expectations are a violation of the UF Honor Code and will be taken seriously.
Faculty Lectures/Presentations/Course Materials Download Policy
Photography, audio-visual recording, and transmission/distribution of written course materials and non-lecture class sessions, such as active learning sessions or laboratory sessions is prohibited unless there is expressed written permission.
A “class lecture” is an educational presentation intended to inform or teach enrolled students about a particular subject, including any instructor-led discussions that form part of the presentation, and delivered by any instructor hired or appointed by the University, or by a guest instructor, as part of a University of Florida course. A class lecture does not include lab sessions, active learning sessions, student presentations, clinical presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving solely student participation, assessments (quizzes, tests, exams), field trips, private conversations between students in the class or between a student and the faculty or lecturer during a class session.
Pre-recorded lectures and class sessions are authorized solely for the purpose of individual or group study with other UF College of Pharmacy students enrolled in the same class. Such recordings may not be reproduced, shared, or uploaded to publicly accessible web environments. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be considered to be breeching College of Pharmacy copyrights and/or Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) law.
Most, if not all lectures in the PharmD curriculum are pre-recorded. In the rare case of a live lecture, students are allowed to record video or audio of class lectures. However, the purposes for which these recordings may be used are strictly controlled. The only allowable purposes are (1) for personal educational use, (2) in connection with a complaint to the university, or (3) as evidence in, or in preparation for, a criminal or civil proceeding. All other purposes are prohibited. Specifically, students may not publish recorded lectures without the written consent of the instructor.
Publication without permission of the instructor is prohibited. To “publish” means to share, transmit, circulate, distribute, or provide access to a recording, regardless of format or medium, to another person (or persons), including but not limited to another student within the same class section. Additionally, a recording, or transcript of a recording, is considered published if it is posted on or uploaded to, in whole or in part, any media platform, including but not limited to social media, book, magazine, newspaper, leaflet, or third party note/tutoring services. A student who publishes a recording without written consent may be subject to a civil cause of action instituted by a person injured by the publication and/or discipline under UF Regulation 4.040 Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code.
Computer and Other Technology Requirements (Device Readiness)
Students are required to have a personal laptop compliant with the entry-level program computer requirements. Students are required to use this personal laptop for all quizzes, exams and other learning activities that are electronically administered.
All students must have a privacy filter for their computer or any other device screen that will be used for exam testing and in-class quizzes.
ExamSoft® and other software or technology may be used for administration of exams (e.g., Respondus, Honorlock), and students are required to follow the procedures that are established for exam administration. Students must have a personal laptop to complete exams. Students must also complete mock exams prior to the actual exam to assure that all personal laptop features are compatible with technology used for administration of the exam.
If a student’s personal laptop is not functioning, the student is expected to have the personal laptop fixed as soon as possible or have access to an alternate device. If the student experiences a problem with a personal laptop being unavailable due to a repair, the student should immediately contact the academic/educator coordinator and develop a plan for securing a functioning laptop and achieving compliance with the entry-level program computer requirements.
Quiz & iRAT/tRAT Policies
- Students must bring their laptop to class in order to participate in the quiz/iRAT/tRAT. Paper copies of the quiz/iRAT are available on a limited basis for confirmed technology issues.
- Privacy filters must be in use during administration of the quiz/iRAT. Students without a privacy filter for their device should notify the proctor PRIOR to the start of the quiz/iRAT, so that appropriate seating in the classroom can be arranged. Students who initiate the quiz/iRAT without a privacy filter and without prior notification to the proctor will receive a zero on the quiz/iRAT.
- All quizzes/iRATs/tRATs are closed book unless otherwise noted by the instructor.
- All quizzes/iRATs are completed individually. Communication with classmates or others via any means during the quiz or iRAT is not permitted.
- Students will be allowed one attempt to complete the quiz/iRAT/tRAT.
- Students who arrive late for the quiz/iRAT will not be allowed extra time to complete the assessment. They must complete the quiz/iRAT in the time remaining.
- When a student completes a quiz/readiness-assessment test (RAT), they must close their laptop or turn over their tablet to indicate they are finished with the assessment. These devices should not be used until the instructor has announced that the quiz/RATs have ended.
- Students who miss the iRAT may take the tRAT if they are in class at the start of the tRAT. (The Academic or Education Coordinator will assess the time of arrival and indicate to students who enter the classroom late whether they can join their team and participate in the tRAT.)
- Students may not leave the room during the quiz/iRAT or tRAT or other in-class assessments.
- All students must remain quiet during the quizzes/iRATs and as other teams are completing the tRATs.
- For tRATs delivered using immediate feedback assessment technique (IF-AT) forms, “accidental” scratches will result in partial scoring for that item.
- For tRATs, a team may appeal the answer to a question to the instructor after the active learning session within 24 hrs. The appeal must be evidence-based and in writing. Such an appeal process is not applicable to quizzes, iRATs, and exams.
- Video surveillance/recording via technologies may be used during quizzes and iRATs/tRATs and may be used as evidence of academic dishonesty.
Exam Policies
General Exam Policies
During each academic year (August – May), the College of Pharmacy expects that all students in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program will complete examinations on the scheduled date and time. While rare exceptions may occur due to illness or unexpected emergencies, students should complete a minimum of 90% of exams on the scheduled date and time during each academic year. Students who fail to complete 90% of exams on the scheduled date and time (i.e., those with more than 10% of exams delayed in an academic year) will be permitted to take a late exam with an excused absence; however, the maximum achievable grade will be 69.5 on each subsequent exam. Exceptions will be determined on an individual basis with approval from the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Curricular Affairs. Students with an accommodation for medical absences should have a discussion with the Disability Resource Center to assess if additional flexibility with delayed exams is appropriate. Absences for exams due to an infectious illness (for example, COVID-19, influenza “the flu”) in the contagious phase will be excused. Students should remain at home if they have a contagious illness.
Students will be given one attempt to complete an exam.
Exam-Day Guidelines:
- For on-campus exams, students are expected to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the test. After the proctor enters the exam room, students should enter the room and be seated promptly to be eligible to take the exam. All students should be seated and ready to begin the exam at the designated start time. Extra time will not be provided for students who arrive late. Students arriving late must finish the exam at the scheduled end time. To maintain exam security, students who arrive late for the exam will not be allowed to start the exam if another student has left the room after seeing or completing the exam. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will not be permitted to take the exam and should contact their academic coordinator after the conclusion of the exam to discuss the possibility of a make-up exam. Students who have valid reasons for arriving late at the exam may request a makeup exam as outlined below. In situations where a make-up exam is granted due to lateness, the exam grade will be no higher than 69.5% (C-).
- For online exams, students should be online 15 minutes before the start of the scheduled assessment to help offset any difficulties with technology; students should contact the academic or education coordinator as soon as possible if they experience technical difficulties.
- Students should use the restroom before entering the exam room. Use of the restroom during the exam should be reserved for an emergency. If there is an urgent need to use the restroom, please consult the proctor.
- Cell phones, other electronic or digital devices including smart watches, photographic devices, recording devices, and unauthorized assistive devices and technologies (e.g. smart glasses and others) must be stowed in an area away from the designated testing space. Access to these items during the exam will be considered a violation of the UF Honor Code.
- All backpacks, purses or other bags should be kept away from the designated testing space and must not be accessed during the exam. Nonessential materials (e.g., gloves, sunglasses, umbrellas) are NOT allowed at the student’s desk during examination periods. Students are welcome to have a water bottle (with no label or writing), laptop charger, and mouse at their desk.
- Students are expected to remain quiet (no talking) and avoid distracting or disruptive behavior during the distribution and administration of the exam.
- Privacy filters must be in use during administration of the exam. Students without a privacy filter for their device should notify the proctor PRIOR to the start of the exam, so that appropriate seating in the testing space can be arranged. Students who initiate the exam without a privacy filter and without prior notification to the proctor will receive a maximum score of 69.5 on the exam.
- Students must bring their own calculator. Calculators must meet the following requirements: Only non-programmable calculators are allowed unless the course has a specific policy.
- If you encounter calculator problems (e.g., dead battery), contact the Proctor.
- Other exam rules may be instituted during the progression of the course.
- Once the exam commences, students should not leave the testing space without submitting the exam. Once the exam is submitted, the examination period for the student is considered complete and the student must leave the testing space and return scratch paper or formula sheets. Students should not leave the testing area with scratch paper or any formula sheet provided for the exam.
- To ensure academic integrity and uphold a fair learning environment, video surveillance/recording technologies may be employed during exams. These recordings may be used as evidence in cases related to academic dishonesty.
Failure to follow exam rules may be considered evidence of academic dishonesty.
After an Exam
Students are required to upload the encrypted exam file to ExamSoft immediately after completing the exam. Technical issues that prevent this from occurring must be immediately reported to a proctor to record the incident.
After the exam, the instructor will review the statistics from the exam and adjust the exam scores, if needed. Following review of exam statistics and adjustments in scoring, the exam grades will be released to students.
Students will be able to view missed questions on the exam during the exam review. The exam review will take place approximately one week following the exam, with the scheduled time for exam review denoted on the calendar, Participation in the exam review is required for students who score less than 70% on an exam. Participation in the exam review is encouraged but optional for all other students.
Exam appeals
Students who participate in the exam review session will have the opportunity to request reconsideration of questions on an exam. If a student believes that there is an issue with a given question, the student may complete a “Reconsideration Request” form during the exam review session. Students should refrain from emailing instructors with concerns about particular exam questions and instead utilize the Reconsideration Request form. Students should ensure their Reconsideration Request Form is legible.
If a student deems there is a possible grading/grade calculation error on the exam, the student has 3 business days after the exam review to contact the Course Director and Academic Coordinator to clarify questions and appeal any possible grading errors. Please refer to the section on Email Communication for guidelines on appropriate emails.
Make-up Quiz/iRAT/tRAT/Exam Policy
Make-up assessments are given only for excused absences. The method to request an excused absence for an assessment is the same as the method for requesting an excused absence from a class session (See Course Policy: Excused/Un-excused Absences). All requests for an excused absence from an examination due to illness will require a provider note stating the student was too ill to take the exam at the scheduled time. This documentation must be submitted as soon as possible and before the scheduled make-up date for the exam. For serious reasons other than illness or unexpected emergency, the student should contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs prior to the exam. Only after the student is notified the request has been granted may the student miss a scheduled exam.
Due to the block style curriculum, make-up examinations should be completed within one week of the original examination date, unless there are special circumstances as approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Curricular Affairs. Make-up examinations will be administered at times predetermined by the College of Pharmacy. Students are expected to complete make-up examinations during one of the prespecified times for the make-up. Failure to complete the make-up exam at the specified time without prior communication will result in a grade of zero. For other types of assessments (e.g., quizzes, lab assessments), the instructor will arrange an alternate deadline for the assessment, usually within one week of the missed assessment.
Questions on the make-up assessment may be in the form of essay, short answer, or multiple-choice and will be the same level of difficulty as the assessment administered during the scheduled time. Failure to be present for the make-up assessment will result in a grade of zero for the assessment. No precedent can be drawn from any courses in the College of Pharmacy or any other college within University of Florida.
Grading Scale
92.50-100% | A |
89.50-92.49% | A- |
86.50-89.49% | B+ |
82.50-86.49% | B |
79.50-82.49% | B- |
76.50-79.49% | C+ |
72.50-76.49% | C |
69.50-72.49% | C- |
66.50-69.49% | D+ |
62.50-66.49% | D |
59.50-62.49% | D- |
< 59.50% | E |
Rounding of Grades
Final grades in Canvas will be rounded to the 2nd decimal place. If the decimal is X.495 or higher, Canvas will round the grade to X.50. The above scale depicts this policy and grades are determined accordingly. Grade assignment is made using this policy and no exceptions will be made in situations where a student’s grade is “close.”
University Grading Policies
Please review the UF Undergraduate Catalog to understand how the University uses the course grade to compute your overall GPA.
Faculty and Course Evaluations
Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online. Students can complete evaluations in three ways:
- The email they receive from GatorEvals,
- Their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or
- The central portal at https://my-ufl.bluera.com
Guidance on how to provide constructive feedback is available at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/students/. Students will be notified when the evaluation period opens. Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/public-results/.
Note: Starting in Spring 2025, the central portal will change to https://my-ufl.bluera.com. The previous GatorEvals link (https://ufl.bluera.com/ufl/) will redirect to the updated portal for one year.
Concerns, Appeals, and Complaints
Students who have concerns about their evaluation of performance and/or student-faculty relations should review the Student-Faculty Handbook for guidance. The Student-Faculty Handbook also outlines the chain of command for any appeals and/or complaints. Concerns about a course (e.g., course requirements, quizzes, exams) should first be discussed with the appropriate course instructor and the Teaching Partnership Leader/Course Director. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student may appeal to the Assistant Dean for Curricular Affairs who will also engage other individuals depending on the request (e.g., campus dean, department chair, Associate Dean for Student Affairs). If the student finds the decision unsatisfactory, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for Professional Advancement and Assessment. If the student finds the decision at the College level unsatisfactory, they will be referred to the Provost and Associate Provost and Director. If the decision is unsatisfactory, the student may appeal to the UF Ombuds at ombuds.ufl.edu. Please note that at any stage of the process, the student can appeal directly to the UF Ombuds.
Psychomotor and Learning Expectations
Psychomotor expectations relate to the ability to meet the physical demands of the pharmacy curriculum. Physically impaired students and students with learning disabilities such as hearing impairment, visual impairment, dyslexia or other specific learning disabilities such as sensory deficit or sensory-motor coordination problems should cooperate with the faculty and staff in addressing these circumstances in order to meet academic standards.
How to Request Learning Accommodations
To request accommodations, students with disabilities should first register with the Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565) and provide appropriate supporting documentation for the learning accommodation. Students with disabilities should follow this procedure as early as possible in the semester. The College of Pharmacy highly encourages that this procedure be completed before each course begins. Being proactive in this process will ensure that accommodations are in place for each student’s learning activities, exams, and assessments because grades cannot be retroactively changed. Once registered with the Disability Resource Center, students will receive a letter outlining approved learning accommodations. The student must email the letter to the coordinator of each course where accommodations are being requested. This includes laboratory courses. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the letter is shared with each course coordinator before accommodations are needed. In addition, each student is expected to provide a copy of the accommodations letter to the Office of Student Affairs by email (accommodations@cop.ufl.edu), the Accommodations Coordinator, the local campus academic or education coordinator, and the local Student Affairs Coordinator.
In alignment with the Disability Resource Center policies, students with approved learning accommodations must request accommodations for in-class assignments and assessments a minimum of four business days (Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm) prior to the assignment or assessment. This does not include the day of the assignment/assessment, weekends, or holidays. It is the student’s responsibility to review the syllabus in advance and request accommodations a minimum of four business days prior to each activity. Students who request accommodations after the policy deadline may be granted accommodations, provided staff and space are available. Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests made less than one business day prior to the assignment/assessment.
How to Access Services for Student Success
Students who need guidance for course success or who are having academic difficulty should contact the Teaching Partnership Leader/Course Director. In addition, students are encouraged to contact their advisor or Campus Director/Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for assistance.
Counseling and Wellness Center
Students who are experiencing issues and events that could adversely affect academic performance and personal health are encouraged to meet with the student affairs coordinators on their respective campuses or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for guidance. In a crisis situation, 911 should be called. For non-crisis situations, students can self-refer to the UF Counseling and Wellness Center or to the Pharmacy Counselor. To access services, students should contact the UF Counseling and Wellness Center at 352-392-1575. This line is answered 24 hours a day. Students in Gainesville have the option to identify as pharmacy students to be put in contact with the Pharmacy Counselor. If a Gainesville student does not identify as a pharmacy student, they will be placed with any available counselor at the Wellness Center. Jacksonville and Orlando students must identify as pharmacy students to access services with the College of Pharmacy Counselor.
Student Crisis
Your well-being is important to the University of Florida. The U Matter, We Care initiative is committed to creating a culture of care on our campus by encouraging members of our community to look out for one another and to reach out for help if a member of our community is in need. If you or a friend is in distress, please contact umatter@ufl.edu so that the U Matter, We Care Team can reach out to the student in distress. A nighttime and weekend crisis counselor is available by phone at 352-392-1575. The U Matter, We Care Team can help connect students to the many other helping resources available including, but not limited to, Victim Advocates, Housing staff, and the Counseling and Wellness Center. Please remember that asking for help is a sign of strength. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.
Students who are experiencing issues and events are also encouraged to contact their local crisis center. For Alachua County the Crisis Center number is 352-264-6789; for Jacksonville and Duval County 904-632-0600 and toll free for Northeast Florida at 1-800-346-6185; and for Orlando 407-425-2624.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org/.
988 is confidential, free crisis service that is available to everyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Lifeline connects people to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals.
Crisis Text Line
Text “HELLO” to 741741
The Crisis Text hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the U.S. The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information.
The following national call number is also available for students who reside outside of the main COP campuses: 1-800-273-8255.
Call the University Police Department (Gainesville campus only) for emergencies: 392-1111 or 9-1-1
Faculty and Staff: Who to Contact
Academic Coordinator/Education Coordinator:
- Issues related to course policies (absences, make up exams, missed attendance)
- Absence requests (Only the Academic Coordinator handles absence requests)
- Questions about dates, deadlines, meeting place
- Availability of handouts and other course materials
- Assignment directions
- Questions about grade entries gradebook (missing grades, wrong grade)
- Assistance with ExamSoft® (Distant campus students may contact Education Coordinator for use of SofTest and assistance during exams. The Academic Coordinator is the contact person for issues related to grading and posting of ExamSoft grades.)
Teaching Partnership Leaders/Course Directors
- Questions about grades
- Concerns about performance
- Guidance when there are performance problems (failing grades)
- General questions about content
Other Teaching Partnership Faculty Members
- Questions about specific content
Technical Support
For technical support related to eLearning, educational videos, mobile learning tools and other course-related issues, see College of Pharmacy Technology Support.